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<p>The <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">search filter</a> allows the inclusion of <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">query expressions</a> such as <code>~</code> or <code>!</code>. The selected <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">query engine</a> might also support case insensitive matching or other short expressions like:</p><ul><li><code>in:</code> result should include the term, e.g. '<code>in:Foo</code>'</li></ul><ul><li><code>not:</code> result should to not include the term, e.g. '<code>not:Bar</code>'</li></ul>
Showing 18 pages using this property.
Debate test?
Argument test
Argument test 2
Does God exist?
God is the first cause of the universe
The order and complexity of the world presuppose a Creator God
There are divine interventions
Does being on the left necessarily mean being in favor of mass immigration?
All left-wing parties are relatively pro-immigration
Migrants come to Europe because of imperialist wars and the plundering of their countries, so it's only right to welcome them.
It's impossible to be on the left and reject others who are disadvantaged
Faced with the climate emergency, should we wait for everything to collapse?
As long as we're not personally affected, we're not going to change anything.
Is Ecosia an eco-friendly search engine?
Ecosia fights deforestation
Ecosia is an alternative to Google
Is it necessary to boost the birth rate in France?
We need a higher birth rate to ensure pensions
We need a high birth rate if France is to remain a world power.
More births are needed to boost the economy
Is it necessary to elect a representative people's assembly accessible to all?
Can be used to elect a constituent assembly and/or an assembly to replace the senate.
You don't need any funding or support to be a candidate.
Enables greater public participation in political life.
Is there such a thing as a national identity?
National identity is based on a common language and culture
National identity stems from history
National identity corresponds to national mores
Should all drugs be decriminalized?
Penalization is counterproductive
Penalization is bad for society
Penalization is inappropriate
Should the Académie française be dissolved?
The Académie française is a retrograde institution
The Académie française has no legitimacy
The Académie française is an elitist institution
Should the Lyon-Turin transalpine rail link be built?
The Lyon-Turin link would encourage modal shift, reduce road traffic and cut CO2 emissions.
Current line constraints make it impossible to use the freight line profitably
Should the police be abolished?
Police violence and racial profiling
Cases of sexist aggression are poorly handled by police and judicial authorities
The police are a militia exclusively serving the interests of the bourgeoisie.
Should we accept immigration?
We can't stop immigration
Welcoming migrants is a humanist duty
The far-right's proposals to curb immigration are cruel and ineffective, and therefore racist.
Should we be afraid of artificial intelligence?
Artificial intelligence drives technological progress
Artificial intelligence automates tasks
Artificial intelligence aids medical diagnosis
Should we boycott Facebook?
Facebook appropriates its users' personal data without payment
Facebook is unreliable
Facebook is a propaganda tool
Should we boycott GAFAM?
GAFAMs are undemocratic
GAFAM abuse their monopoly
Should we debate with the enemy?
It's important to try and convince your opponents, even the worst ones.
Debating with the enemy is the best way to fight his ideas
Debating with the enemy allows us to progress
Should we stop eating animals?
Eating animals means inflicting violence on farmed animals, a source of much suffering.
Eating animals leads to intensive livestock farming, a source of numerous environmental problems
Eating animals is bad for humans
Showing 2 related entities.
Property:Argument for
Property:For argument
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