Help:Creating a debate

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You wish to begin a debate? Here are the main steps to creating a page.

1. Find a topic

Make sure that your debate isn’t already online

Choose a topic that really is subject to debate

2. Find a good title

Formulate a yes-no question

Make your titles clear and short

3. Try to find as many PRO and CON points of view

Research diverse and opposing media

Collect quotations

Summarise each argument with a title

gauche To save your research (outline, quotations, notes, etc.), remember to use your draft pages.

4. Write an outline

Classify your arguments as PRO and CON/FOR and AGAINST by listing them out before hand

Group close arguments into families

Look for objections

Build on existing debates

5. Create the debate page

Do you have a debate title and a plan? Enter your title below and click on "Create debate":

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