Is it necessary to elect a representative people's assembly accessible to all?

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Argument forCan be used to elect a constituent assembly and/or an assembly to replace the senate.
Argument forYou don't need any funding or support to be a candidate.
Argument forEnables greater public participation in political life.
Argument forAn election campaign followed by an election are combined with a draw.
Argument forThis is the only way to establish a truly democratic system.
Argument forCurrent "democracies" are oligarchic
Argument againstAn assembly cannot be sociologically representative
Argument againstWe need an assembly of competent people, not just any old people.
Argument againstThe election selects the most demagogic people, not the wisest.
Keywords : Elections, Constituent Assembly[ edit ].

To understand the debateTo understand the debate


In a representative popular assembly accessible to all, any citizen of legal age and holder of his or her civil rights can declare himself or herself a candidate, with complete freedom of means, and in complete independence of partisan spirit or private interest. If elected, the state will finance his or her term of office, and at the end of it, guarantee that he or she will be able to return to work.

To register as a candidate for this assembly, you need to fill in a profile on an institutional website, and choose the list of a political party or the no-label list.

An electoral ballot is used to choose between these lists. Elected representatives are drawn from each list in proportion to the results obtained, so there is no head of list or order of candidacies. (e.g.: list X obtains 20% of the vote, so 20% of the assembly will be made up of candidates drawn from list X).

The drawing of lots will take into account certain criteria present in each profile, such as gender, age, csp, etc., to obtain the best sociological representation of the population.

Arguments forPros

What are the pros of the representative people's assembly?
  • Argument forCan be used to elect a constituent assembly and/or an assembly to replace the senate.
  • Argument forYou don't need any funding or support to be a candidate.
  • Argument forEnables greater public participation in political life.
  • Argument forAn election campaign followed by an election are combined with a draw.
  • Argument forThis is the only way to establish a truly democratic system.
  • Argument forCurrent "democracies" are oligarchic

Arguments againstCons

What are the cons of the representative people's assembly?
  • Argument againstAn assembly cannot be sociologically representative
  • Argument againstWe need an assembly of competent people, not just any old people.
  • Argument againstThe election selects the most demagogic people, not the wisest.

To go furtherTo go further


