Is Ecosia an eco-friendly search engine?

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Argument forEcosia fights deforestation
Argument forEcosia is an alternative to Google
Argument againstA Google search consumes less CO2
Keywords : search engine, Ecosia, reforestation[ edit ].

To understand the debateTo understand the debate


Ecosia is a search engine created in 2009. Search results are based on Bing. Through advertising, the company donates over 80% of its profits to reforestation programs around the world.

Arguments forPros

What are the pros of Ecosia search engine?
  • Argument forEcosia fights deforestation
  • Argument forEcosia is an alternative to Google

Arguments againstCons

What are the cons of Ecosia search engine?
  • Argument againstA Google search consumes less CO2

To go furtherTo go further


