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Does God exist?@@@The order and complexity of the world presuppose a Creator God@@@God gives an account of the world's master plan@@@A God in the image of man is too human to be credible  +, Does God exist?@@@The order and complexity of the world presuppose a Creator God@@@A God in the image of man is too human to be credible  +
@@@God is not all-powerful@@@A God who is not omnipotent is not God  +
Is Ecosia an eco-friendly search engine?@@@A Google search consumes less CO2 than an Ecosia search  +
Does being on the left necessarily mean being in favor of mass immigration?@@@Several left-wing parties and governments are relatively opposed to immigration@@@It's by sharply limiting migratory flows that we'll achieve integration and drive back the extreme right.@@@The migration crisis alone does not explain the success of the far right@@@A company that is strong and sure of its fundamentals is not threatened by the Other.  +
@@@The universe is contingent@@@A necessary being can only give rise to a contingent universe  +
Does God exist?@@@There is no spirit outside matter@@@Several so-called paranormal phenomena show the action of the spirit beyond a physical medium@@@Parapsychology is a pseudoscience@@@Parapsychology is a recognized science in the USA@@@A paranormal concept ceases to qualify as such as soon as science validates it.  +, Does God exist?@@@There is no spirit outside matter@@@Several so-called paranormal phenomena show the action of the spirit beyond a physical medium@@@Studies purporting to prove the existence of the paranormal are biased, even fraudulent@@@Parapsychology is a recognized science in the USA@@@A paranormal concept ceases to qualify as such as soon as science validates it.  +
Should we accept immigration?@@@Welcoming migrants is good for European economies, Does being on the left necessarily mean being in favor of mass immigration?@@@Rejection of immigrants is caused by racism@@@The rejection of immigration is due to the economic situation, not to pseudo-racism.@@@Welcoming migrants is good for European economies@@@A significant proportion of migrants are unemployed  +
Does God exist?@@@God is the first cause of the universe@@@There should be nothing@@@A universe made from nothing is possible, says Lawrence Krauss  +
Does being on the left necessarily mean being in favor of mass immigration?@@@Mass immigration is a by-product of unbridled liberalism and globalization@@@The fight against the extreme right is often misused as a useful tool for globalization.@@@Presenting the ultra-right as anti-capitalist and anti-globalist is a sham@@@Capitalism is the ultraright's best ally@@@It's the left that's truly anti-capitalist@@@A whole section of the left has become the useful idiot of globalist capitalism and is supported by finance and GAFAM.  +
@@@Absence of proof is not proof of absence  +
Does God exist?@@@God's existence is contained in his concept@@@The existence of God cannot be demonstrated conceptually@@@Abstract objects can be conceptually demonstrated  +
Does God exist?@@@There is too much suffering and injustice for there to be a god@@@God did not create evil, which exists from all eternity.@@@According to religious texts, God is the creator of all things.  +
Does God exist?@@@There is too much suffering and injustice for there to be a god@@@Animal suffering is unjust@@@Animals only suffer because some of their actions are intentional.@@@According to the Bible, man alone possesses free will, and with it the ability to do evil.  +
Does God exist?@@@There are divine interventions@@@Miracles attest to God's direct intervention@@@Our Lady's apparitions and prodigies at Fatima prove the existence of God@@@It's a collective hallucination@@@Affective contagions require conditions that were not present at all at Fatima.  +
Does being on the left necessarily mean being in favor of mass immigration?@@@Rejection of immigrants is caused by racism@@@The West practices a double standard depending on the origin of migrants@@@Around 1 third of refugees from Ukraine who come to France are African, and France does not discriminate against them@@@Afro-Ukrainians and Indo-Ukrainians are discriminated against  +, Does being on the left necessarily mean being in favor of mass immigration?@@@Rejection of immigrants is caused by racism@@@The rejection of immigration is due to the economic situation, not to pseudo-racism.@@@The West practices a double standard depending on the origin of migrants@@@Around 1 third of refugees from Ukraine who come to France are African, and France does not discriminate against them@@@Afro-Ukrainians and Indo-Ukrainians are discriminated against  +
Does God exist?@@@There are divine interventions@@@Miracles attest to God's direct intervention@@@Our Lady's apparitions and prodigies at Fatima prove the existence of God@@@The Church has never officially confirmed the miraculous nature of this phenomenon.@@@After 7 years of investigation, the Church has officially recognized the Fatima phenomenon.  +
Does God exist?@@@There is no spirit outside matter@@@Several so-called paranormal phenomena show the action of the spirit beyond a physical medium@@@Parapsychology is a pseudoscience@@@All contenders for the One million dollar paranormal challenge have failed  +
Does being on the left necessarily mean being in favor of mass immigration?@@@Rejection of immigrants is caused by racism@@@The West practices a double standard depending on the origin of migrants@@@France has welcomed a few thousand Ukrainians and hundreds of thousands of Africans, so it can't be accused of racism.@@@All human rights NGOs point to the existence of a racist double standard, so it's hard to deny in good faith  +, Does being on the left necessarily mean being in favor of mass immigration?@@@Rejection of immigrants is caused by racism@@@The rejection of immigration is due to the economic situation, not to pseudo-racism.@@@The West practices a double standard depending on the origin of migrants@@@France has welcomed a few thousand Ukrainians and hundreds of thousands of Africans, so it can't be accused of racism.@@@All human rights NGOs point to the existence of a racist double standard, so it's hard to deny in good faith  +
Does being on the left necessarily mean being in favor of mass immigration?@@@All left-wing parties are relatively pro-immigration  +
Does God exist?@@@There is too much suffering and injustice for there to be a god@@@God is not good@@@All religions teach the goodness of God  +