The reasoning that a necessary being can only give rise to a necessary universe confuses logical implication with causal link.
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This argument is used in the debate Does God exist?.
This argument is an objection to The universe is contingent.
“Some philosophers (Sartre, for example) argue that if the contingent universe had its raison d'être in a necessary being, it would itself be necessary. For, they say, propositions deduced from necessary propositions are also necessary (if it is necessary for P that P implies Q, then it is necessary for Q). [...] Here, there is a confusion between logical implication and causal link. Requiring an ultimate necessary cause in no way implies that it must cancel out the contingency of the universe by providing a deductive explanation. [...] The first cause does not imply the universe. It causes it, which is different.”
Frédéric Guillaud, God exists, p.197, Éditions du Cerf, Paris, 2013.