When certain aspects of Islam cause problems, those who express concern are accused of Islamophobia.

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" Endorsed by international organizations (UN, Council of Europe, European Union...) and by many national authorities, the discourse of Islamophobia has acquired the status of official truth". Director of research at the CNRS and author of several books on the complicated relationship between religion and modernity - including "Les immigrés de la République. Impasse du multiculturalisme (Seuil, 2010) or L'islam devant la démocratie (Gallimard, 2013) - Philippe d'Iribarne this time tackles a recent but wildly successful notion: l'islamophobie. [...] Philippe d'Iribarne's thesis is an interesting one. According to him, far from being the sign of a global rejection of Islam as a religion, the signs of mistrust that are being expressed in France and elsewhere reflect an awareness of the dual nature of Islam: "What refers to a spiritual approach to Islam is not the same as what Islam is. What refers to a spiritual approach" (such as the Ramadan fast) is "well received". " But what comes under the sway of an Islamic order is rejected - first and foremost the segregation of the sexes, the subjugation of women and what symbolizes them.

Author not entered, “Philippe d'Iribarne tackles the "fiction" of Islamophobia”, La Croix, 3/06/2019.


Arguments forJustifications

Arguments againstObjections

  • Argument againstThose who say they are concerned about "the problems posed by the Muslim religion" are the main promoters of these problems as soon as Islam is no longer part of the equation.
  • Argument againstConcern about problematic aspects of Islam is a front for Islamophobic attacks

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