Several so-called paranormal phenomena show the action of the spirit beyond a physical medium
Materialism is only tenable if we exclude from the discussion a whole class of experiences that refute it: telepathy, telekinesis, remote vision, precognition... Materialism holds sway by ignoring these data, which have been established by decades of parapsychological research and thousands of rigorous, well-documented testimonies.
So-called paranormal phenomena clearly demonstrate the action of a spirit "outside" matter:
“The Parapsychological Association, Inc (PA) is the international professional organization of scientists and scholars engaged in the study of "psi" (or "psychic") experiences, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, remote viewing, psychokinesis, psychic healing and precognition. ...
Such experiences seem to defy contemporary conceptions of human nature and the physical world. They seem to involve the transfer of information and the influence of physical systems independent of time and space, via mechanisms we cannot currently explain.
The main aim of the Parapsychological Association is to achieve a scientific understanding of these experiences.”