Around 1 third of refugees from Ukraine who come to France are African, and France does not discriminate against them

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“Our reporter visited the Accueil Ukraine center in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, near Porte de la Chapelle. This center offers Ukrainian refugees a first point of contact to assess their needs and direct them towards appropriate solutions. Among the families, there are few Ukrainian men between 18 and 60. In particular, they are mobilized with the Ukrainian armed forces or volunteer groups. On the other hand, many young men from Africa who were living in the Ukraine until the Russian attack are registering as refugees. Report produced by Jean Bexon, journalist”

Author not entered, “Africans among Ukraine refugees”, 15/03/2022.



Arguments forJustifications

Arguments againstObjections

  • Argument againstAfro-Ukrainians and Indo-Ukrainians are discriminated against
  • Argument againstMigrant aid associations report discriminatory treatment

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