Thanks to migrants, business is picking up

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Argument forThis argument is a justification of Welcoming migrants is good for European economies.
Keywords: Migrants, Borders, Reception, Immigration, Demography, Economic recovery[ edit ].


Schools, infrastructures, etc. are being built; while villages are emptying out and the countryside is becoming desertified, all it would take is for migrant families to settle there for them to be reborn, to continue to have a school, a café, an activity.


“Since 2016, the capacity has been 110,000 places for newly arrived migrants, 60% of whom are scattered outside the Iles de France. And that's where it's going best!

Every prefect and local councillor is full of examples of integration and solidarity, schools reopened and jobs filled. Occasionally, there is a brief period of public concern when former communal premises are converted into accommodation centers, but this does not last. Children go to school, young people undergo training and gain qualifications, and adults find work and social usefulness. A smoothly organized life. There are, spontaneously, many volunteers for the integration and literacy of migrants. Is this the hallucination of a self-righteous editorial writer? No, it's the cold (or rather warm) reality of the people organizing this vast reception program.

What's more, if you turn away from the screens of the Boloréïsés TV channels and turn to the pages of the regional dailies, that is, if you pay more attention to the stories from the field than to the rhetoric on the podium, you can read the details of this success story every day.”


Arguments forJustifications

Arguments againstObjections

  • Argument againstMigrants represent a significant cost

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