Assertion without argument

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Parent debateThis argument is used in the debate Does God exist?.
Keywords: God, flood, 6000 years[ edit ].

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That's what we call a baseless assertion ...! Carbon 14 is not a reliable dating method ...! And the geological past is not perfectly identified, especially to demonstrate that there was no flood, according to the biblical account ...!

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Arguments forJustifications
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Arguments againstObjections
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  • Argument againstThe Flood story is riddled with inconsistencies, making it highly improbable.
  • Argument againstDating methods are far more reliable than a mythological story written by men and distorted by successive translations and rewritings.
  • Argument againstThere is no geological or archaeological evidence of the Flood to date, which is enough to consider it a mythological tale.

Parent debateParent debate