Those who speak of creating from nothing are playing with words
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“The law of gravitation can at best be considered as a cause, but only if it applies to a pre-existing reality. It cannot, therefore, account for the existence of any reality. Hawking's point is that the law of gravitation, applied to the original quantum vacuum, produced a certain state of the universe - namely, the emergence of a first particle (which he misleadingly calls "the universe"). But this has nothing to do with the creation of the universe (for the quantum vacuum is something, not nothing). From a scientific theory explaining the transition from a certain state of the universe to another state of the universe, Hawking draws totally disproportionate conclusions, by simple vocabulary sleight of hand: he calls "nothingness" the state tTemplate:Index et « univers » l’état tTemplate:Indice et tire de là que le néant a produit l’être, par l’intervention de la loi de la gravitation !”