The universe began to exist with the Big Bang
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“In the first analysis, a thing is said to have begun if there is a time before which it did not exist. All the particular beings that surround us are in this case. The conclusion we can draw is that none of them exists by itself, and that they all had a cause. Now, according to the standard Big Bang theory, all matter came into existence at a precise moment in the past (dated at around 13.7 billion years ago, when all matter, infinitely concentrated, began its expansion, which is still going on). In other words, we can't go back in time indefinitely, but the history of the universe has a beginning. In other words, the universe has begun. Why should this have any metaphysical consequences? For a very simple reason, which can be stated as follows:
- Everything that has a beginning has a cause;
- But the universe has a beginning;
- So the universe has a cause.”