The existence of evil helps maintain the universe

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Parent debateThis argument is used in the debate Does God exist?.
Argument forThis argument is a justification of Evil contributes to a greater good.
Keywords: God, Evil, Suffering, Theodicy[ edit ].

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“If God exists, he is perfect; if he is perfect, he is wise, powerful and just; if he is just and powerful, my soul is immortal; if my soul is immortal, thirty years of life are nothing to me, and are perhaps necessary for the maintenance of the universe. If I am granted the first proposition, the following will never be shaken; if it is denied, there can be no dispute about its consequences. [...] All the subtleties of metaphysics will not make me doubt for a moment the immortality of the soul, and a beneficent Providence.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, “All is well, or all is well for all”, Letter on Providence, 1759.

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Arguments forJustifications
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Arguments againstObjections
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