The concept of omnipotence is contradictory

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Parent debateThis argument is used in the debate Does God exist?.
Argument forThis argument is a justification of God is a contradictory concept.
Keywords: God[ edit ].

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Power is a relational concept. I am powerful if I can exert a force on an object or a person outside myself. So to speak of "omnipotence" would be to speak of a power that nothing would limit, which is contradictory. Power is by definition limited; the idea of an all-powerful Being is absurd.

See the paradoxes of omnipotence.

Quote Hans Jonas "The Concept of God after Auschwitz".

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Arguments forJustifications
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  • Argument forCan God create a stone he can't lift?

Arguments againstObjections
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  • Argument againstGod limits his own omnipotence to allow the universe to exist
  • Argument againstDivine omnipotence is the power of love
  • Argument againstSubjective term
  • Argument againstIn the end

Parent debateParent debate