The Fatima phenomena cannot be a deception

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Parent debateThis argument is used in the debate Does God exist?.
Argument againstThis argument is an objection to Fatima is a fraud.
Keywords: none[ edit ].

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“But this hypothesis doesn't stand up to analysis. It would be impossible to stage such a scene in the middle of the sky. All the photos and eyewitness accounts agree: something happened in the sky, more precisely at the zenith of the sky, on a clear, bright day! It's the only place where it's impossible to organize a deception. We also know that at least 30,000 people witnessed the prodigy, many of them onlookers and non-believers. What trick could have been invented to fool so many people? This impossibility is so obvious that no one has ever proposed the slightest hypothesis to explain such a contrived spectacle.”

Michel-Yves Bolloré, Olivier Bonnassies, God, science, evidence: the dawn of a revolution.

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Arguments forJustifications
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Arguments againstObjections
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