Only God can establish logical and mathematical truths
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“When we consider carefully the immensity of God, we see clearly that it is impossible for there to be anything that does not depend on him, not only everything that subsists, but also that there is no order, no law, no reason for goodness and truth that does not depend on him; otherwise [...], he would not have been completely indifferent to creating the things he created. [...] It is also useless to ask how God could have made from all eternity that two times 4 would not have been 8, etc..., for I confess that we cannot understand this; but, since on the other hand I understand very well that nothing can exist, in any kind of being whatsoever, that does not depend on God, and that it was very easy for him to order certain things so that men could not understand that they could have been otherwise than they are, it would be a thing quite contrary to reason, to doubt things that we understand very well, because of some others that we do not understand, and that we do not see that we should understand. So we must not think that "eternal truths depend on human understanding, or on the existence of things", but only on the will of God, who, like a sovereign legislator, has ordered and established them from all eternity.”