Having the opportunity to suffer makes great good possible

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Parent debateThis argument is used in the debate Does God exist?.
Argument forThis argument is a justification of Evil contributes to a greater good.
Keywords: God, Evil, Suffering, Theodicy[ edit ].

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“Let's add a crucial remark: if I suffer as a consequence of a bad action that you have freely decided upon, it's not necessarily a pure loss for me. In a way, it's good for me. The fact that I suffer would be pure loss for me if the only good thing in life were sensible pleasure, and the only bad thing sensible pain; and it's because contemporary times tend to think in these terms that the problem of evil appears so acute. If these were the only things good or bad, the presence of suffering would be a conclusive objection to the existence of God. But we have already noted what a great good it is to freely decide and influence our own future, that of our companions, and that of the world. And we can now point to another great good - the good that our life can serve a purpose, and that it can be useful to ourselves and to others. Remember Christ's words, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (quoted by St. Paul in Acts 20:35). [...] To have the opportunity to suffer in order to make a great good possible is a privilege, even if this privilege is imposed on you. Those who have the opportunity to suffer for their country and thereby save their country from enemy oppression are privileged. Cultures less obsessed than our own with the harm caused by purely physical pain have always recognized this. And they have recognized that it could be a favor, even when the one who dies has been automatically recruited to fight.”

Richard Swinburne, Is there a God?, p.98, Ithaca, Paris, 2009.

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Arguments forJustifications
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Arguments againstObjections
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