Capitalism was built on the blood and sweat of millions of enslaved Africans

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Keywords: genesis, capitalism, slavery, slave trade, Africans[ edit ].



“I remember one of Nicolas Sarkozy's speeches in Dakar in 2007, when he shamelessly explained: "'Africa's tragedy is that the African man has not entered history enough'". Africa's tragedy is precisely that it has been at the heart of the history of capitalism. Between ten and fourteen million Africans were deported to the Americas between the 17th and 19th centuries, and enslaved on the plantations of the colonists and the new ruling classes of European origin. It was their sweat and blood that enabled a few bourgeois dynasties to build enormous fortunes in Europe or America, making possible the industrial revolution that followed.”

Nathalie Arthaud, Communist, revolutionary, internationalist!, The right characters, 2022.


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