Argumentative mille-feuille

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Parent debateThis argument is used in the debate Does God exist?.
Keywords: none[ edit ].



“The organization of this caricatural antagonism between "good science" (spiritualist) and "bad science" (materialist) in the scientific practices of the last four centuries is the result of the use of several rhetorical strategies that are fairly classic in concordist currents. However, it's worth recalling them here. The first is to use and abuse the sophistry of the argumentative mille-feuille. The stacking, accumulation and decontextualization of the 100 quotations from great scientists presented in chapter 12 are designed to impress the reader.”

Jean-François Bert, Adrien Miqueu, “"God is dead!" But concordism never stops resurrecting him”, Zilsel, january 2022.


Arguments forJustifications

Arguments againstObjections

Parent debateParent debate