The creation, adaptation and complexity of species can be explained by the theory of natural selection

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Parent debateThis argument is used in the debate Does God exist?.
Keywords: Teleological argument, God, Complexity, Darwinism, Natural selection[ edit ].



“Does life create order, complexity and meaning? It certainly does. But this negentropy of life, apart from remaining local and provisional (on Earth, it won't survive the extinction of the Sun), can be explained better and better since Darwin: the evolution of species and natural selection advantageously replace - by a simpler hypothesis - the providential plan of a mysterious Creator. It's easy to understand why supporters of "intelligent design" so often attack Darwinism, sometimes even claiming - in the name of the Bible! - prohibit its teaching or put it on the same level as Genesis. If chance (mutations) creates order (through natural selection), we no longer need a God to explain the appearance of man. Nature is enough.”

André Comte-Sponville, The spirit of atheism, Albin Michel, 2006.


Arguments forJustifications

Arguments againstObjections

  • Argument againstChance alone cannot explain the creation, adaptation and complexity of species

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